Club mosses, also called lycophytes,
are flowerless and seedless plants in the family Lycopodiaceae, that belong to
an ancient group of plants of the division Lycophyta. The lycophytes were one
of the dominant plants during the Coal age (360-286 million years ago) and many
were shrubs or large trees. By 250 million years ago, most of the woody species
had died out. Between 10 and 15 living genera have been recognized, consisting
of about 400 species.
Lycopodiaceae are cosmopolitan, occurring in arctic to
tropical regions. Nowhere do they dominate plant
communities today as they did in the past. In arctic and temperate regions,
club mosses are terrestrial; whereas in the tropics, they are mostly epiphytes
near the tops of trees and seldom seen. The classification of club mosses has
changed radically in recent years. Most temperate species were grouped within
the genus Lycopodium, from the Greek lycos, meaning wolf, and pous
meaning foot, in an imaginative reference to the resemblance in some species of
the densely-leaved branch tips to a wolf's foot. However, it is now clear that
fundamental differences exist among the club mosses with respect to a variety
of important characters. Seven genera and 27 species have been recognized in
the flora of North America.
Four of the common genera, formerly all within the genus Lycopodium, are
Lycopodium, the tree club mosses (6
species), Diphasiastrum, the club mosses (5 species), Huperzia,
the fir mosses (7 species), and Lycopodiella, the bog club mosses (6
species); all are terrestrial. The sole epiphytic member of the club moss family in
North America is the hanging fir moss (Phlegmariurus dichotomus), which
is common in subtropical and tropical Central and South America.
In North America it is known only from Big Cypress Swamp, Florida.
Unlike some of the other ancient plants, such as
liverworts, the sporophytes of club mosses are clearly differentiated into
root, stem, and leaves. All living club mosses are perennial herbs that
typically possess underground stems that branch and give rise to shoots that
rarely exceed 7.9 in (20 cm) in height. Although the photosynthetic organs of
club mosses are commonly called leaves, technically speaking they are
microphylls and differ from true leaves in that they contain only one
unbranched strand of conducting tissue. The
"micro" in the name does not necessarily mean that these
photosynthetic organs are small, in fact some microphylls of extinct tree
lycophytes were 3.3 ft (1 m) long. Micro refers to the evolution
of the structure from an initially very small flap of tissue that grew along
the stem of primitive leafless plants, and that eventually, through evolution,
grew larger and had a strand of conducting tissue enter it to produce the
modern type of microphyll. Microphylls are generally needle-like, spear-shaped,
or ovate and arranged spirally along the stem, but occasionally appear opposite
or whorled. The habit of evergreen leaves on stems that in some species run
along the ground has given rise to the common name of ground or running pines. Stems have a
primitive vascular tissue composed of a solid, central column.
Spores, all of one type, are produced in
sporangia that occur either singly on fertile leaves (sporophylls) that look
much like non-fertile leaves or on modified leaves that are tightly appressed
on the tip of a branch producing a cone or club-like structure, hence the name
club moss. The cones may or may not be stalked. The spores germinate to produce
bisexual gametophytes that are either green and photosynthetic on the soil surface or are
underground and non-photosynthetic, in the latter case deriving some of their
nourishment from mycorrhyzae. The maturation of a gametophyte may require six
to 15 years. Biflagellated sperm are produced in an antheridium (male
reproductive organ) and an egg
is produced in a flask-shaped archegonium (female reproductive organ). Water is required
for the sperm to swim to another gametophyte and down the neck of an
archegonium to reach the egg at the bottom. The young sporophyte produced after
may remain attached for many years, and in some species the gametophyte may
continue to grow and produce a succession of young sporophytes.
Club mosses are ecologically minor components of
all the ecosystems in which they occur. Their economic importance is also
slight. Many club mosses produce masses of sulpher-colored spores that are
highly inflammable and were therefore once used as a constituent of flash
powder in early photography
and in fireworks. The spores were also formerly used by pharmacists to coat
pills. In parts of eastern North America, local cottage industries have sprung
up to collect club mosses in order to make the most elegant of Christmas
wreaths. Spores of common club moss (Lycopodium clavatum) are used by
paleoecologists to calibrate the number of fossil pollen grains in samples of lake mud. Some
Druid sects considered club mosses to be sacred plants and had elaborate
rituals to collect club mosses and display them on their alters for good luck.
Read more: Club Mosses - Species, Leaves, America, and Plants - JRank Articles
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